Kelly and Michael Munson
Michael and I are the proud parents of five children. Life has always been hectic. Chasing after the kids, going to various extra circular activities, helping with homework, making dinner, taking care of the rescue animals, and maintaining two bustling careers kept us on our feet. Then in March of 2022, things got really busy. Michael was in an accident that almost killed him. Resulting in severe facial trauma and leaving him without a jaw or teeth on the right side, he had a long recovery ahead of him. In addition, he also suffered crushed facial bones, a fractured orbit, and a long term concussion. Having already undergone three reconstructive surgeries, he still has three more to endure. Being unable to work, drive, or do most daily activities, the bulk of the family workload was heaped on me. I had to evolve and be willing to constantly adapt to whatever life threw at us. That is what our mission with this business has morphed into. We want to show you how we strive to be efficient, effective and adaptable in all aspects of life, whether cooking, caring for the family or animals, or simple housekeeping tasks. After almost losing him, I learned that keeping things simple is the secret to a happy life.

Natalie is our oldest child. She has grown into an independent and self reliable young woman. Having her own home and job, Natalie is absent from her childhood home often, but will occasionally pop in and help out with a cooking live enjoying the advantage of Mom’s home cooked meals. One of her favorite dinners is chicken and dumplings but she also relishes a good pot of stuffed bell pepper soup. Natalie has gifted us with two Grand Kitties and one Grand Pup.

Jeanne is our second child and just graduated high school in May 2022. Still trying to decide exactly what she wants do for the rest of her life, she is working part time in a local restaurant and helping with the family business. Personally, I have my fingers crossed that she will decide to take a more prominent role in the business, but I think she is leaning towards becoming a pilot. No matter what she decides, I know she will make any task fun and humorous and her co-workers will be all the luckier for it!

Camille and Caroline
Camille and Caroline are our twins and our baby girls. Having identical faces, their personalities could not be more different. Camille is quiet and soft spoken where Caroline is loud and more outgoing. Camille is a better student and athlete but Caroline is more adept to being practical and efficient. Together, they are a force to be reckoned with. Camille has a very limited taste palette. I sometimes swear the child doesn’t like anything I cook. I can’t take it personal though, since she doesn’t like other people’s cooking either. Caroline is much braver. She is willing to try almost any dish and enjoys most.

Ethan is our youngest child and only son. He is a talented guitar player and enjoys the solitude of picking at those strings in his room. Thanks to his sisters, Ethan possesses a patience that I wish I could emulate. When it comes to food, the boy has a sweet tooth that could only rival one other, his father. The boy seems to love anything I cook, but I not sure the depth of that compliment seeing how he doesn’t discriminate when it comes to food.

Some more of our crew
Our animals are like family to use. They are all rescue animals with the exception of a couple of our dogs. Jimmy Dean is our little pig who was saved from the butcher’s block. Hank, our goat, was saved from a harsh world familiar to a regular farm yard goat and introduced to the lavish world of matching sweaters and air conditioning. Our group of chickens will be able to retire to the luxury of their deluxe coop after their egg laying days are behind them. And finally, Poppy, our little rabbit will never know the horrible life of a breeder’s den. As far as the dogs, I’m not sure they even know they are dogs, but rather little emperors of their own realm. They tend to lay around on their plush dog beds (or ours) and motion with the wag of tail when they require a good belly rub or a treat.